GOLD Thursday Education Mastermind 8-9 CST

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Education Masterminds are for school leaders serious about their personal and professional development. These meetings will occur once a week for one hour over Zoom. We will meet each Thursday night from 8-9 pm CST

A GOLD LEVEL ($97) membership includes:

Monthly book is included in membership and shipped to you while you sleep (isn't that so easy?)

Complete DISC profile

***Understanding your personality style

***Motivational Characteristics of your behavioral style

***Communication DOs and DON'Ts

***PowerDISC – discover your strengths

***Action Plan – to improve interpersonal skills

Free admission to a 2 hour online leadership workshop

Generous discounts on future books, products, workshops, and services developed between 2016 -2017

Grow your professional network while creating strong relationships

Weekly personal evaluations


Receive objective feedback and challenging questions from your peers

Identify blindspots which will move into the weaknesses that we'll work on together

Read an inspiring book each month and discuss (book not included in membership)

Rotating "hot seat" where an individual shares goals, challenges, obstacles and receives feedback from the community

Recording of each session to review "Ah-ha" moments

Opportunity to feature content on the Better Leaders Better Schools blog and podcast

Private Facebook group

Discounted admission to a 2 hour online leadership workshop (once a quarter)

This price will be honored until August 2017 before increasing to $147/month

Mastermind recordings may be used in future episodes of The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel Bauer in order to promote the power of online collaboration and accountability for school leaders. I will never use a recording without your permission.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. If you are not satisfied from your mastermind experience, then you will be refunded for the last month you participated.

This product is not currently for sale.
This membership will automatically end after 12 months
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$97 a month x 12

GOLD Thursday Education Mastermind 8-9 CST

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